In Your Garden
Autumn is pretty well upon us now. The clocks have gone back and daylight is getting shorter. Leaves are turning from green to glorious yellow and amber, before falling to the ground or drifting into windblown piles.
In our garden, we will be mowing the grass for a few more weeks more although fewer cuttings will appear each time in the collection box. The process of dead heading the dahlias continues, along with the removal of spent golden rods and peonies. We have trimmed back our lilies and removed the last of the rose buds. The hanging baskets are still quite vibrant; the more delicate plants are clinging on and our wallflowers and sweet Williams are still doing well. Autumn is at it's glorious height now but there is sense of the winter to come.
In my next article, l will outline the work that needs to be done over the winter period.